[Coruscant Airspeeder] (1)
Basic info
First appearance: Attack of the Clones
A speeder with a dome-like transparisteel canopy and a sleek, gray hull. One such speeder was parked at the Senate Apartment Complex of 500 Republica when Anakin Skywalker "borrowed" a XJ-6 airspeeder from the speeder dock to pursue the assassin Zam Wesell.
Complete list
Anakin's Airspeeder (V.SPE2)
The Official Star Wars Fact File
Anakin's Airspeeder (V.SPE2)
XJ-6 Airspeeder | Coruscant | The Hunt for the Hunter | Skywalker, Anakin

Last updated: 29.08.2020 19:44:38